Law of Moses, the Law, Jews law, Sinai, Law of God, Exodus
God's Law
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Shortly after the episode
of the golden calf Moses went back up Mount Sinai. His first order
of business was to continue his plea for Israel.
Then he said, "If now
I have found grace in Your sight, O Lord, let my Lord, I pray, go among
us, even though we are a stiff-necked people; and pardon our iniquity and
our sin, and take us as Your inheritance."
(Ex 34:9)
The Creators response is interesting.
"'And He said:
"Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels
such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all
the people among whom you are shall see the work of the LORD. For it is
an awesome thing that I will do with you.
'Make' in this verse is Hebrew 'karath'. It is the
verb often used to describe the cutting of a covenant. It is in the Qal,
participle active tense, which translates to the English active present
tense. God was making a covenant. The Sinai covenant had already been
made. It was done. God was making a covenant again.
The conversation that was recorded in Exodus 34:10-27 would
probably not take more than five minutes to complete. Yet Moses was on
the mountain for 40 days. (vs 28). What happened?
"Observe what I
command you this day" (Vs 11a)
The creator then reiterates many of the fundamental aspects
of the original covenant. He is obviously interested in Israel living in
accord with that covenant. "Write these words, for according to
the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."
(vs 27b). That was history. It was not to be
forgotten. We also have record of other communication that took
place later on that stay on Mount Sinai.
"This is the law of the burnt offering, the grain offering,
the sin offering, the trespass offering, the consecrations, and the
sacrifice of the peace offering, which the LORD commanded Moses on
Mount Sinai, on the day when He commanded the children of Israel to offer
their offerings to the LORD in the Wilderness of Sinai" (Lev 7:37-38).
"For I did not speak
to your fathers, or command them in the day that I brought them out of
the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices"
(Jer 7:22).
Although some of the instruction on sacrifice and offerings
was given as early as Moses set up his tent outside the camp (Ex 33:7,
Lev 1:1) some was evidently also given on this second forty day stay on
Mount Sinai. Jeremiah records that God wanted Israel to obey not sacrifice.
It became obvious they wouldn't obey as evidenced by the
episode of the golden calf. Instead of destroying them though, God
directed animal sacrifice. This was given during this second stay "
on Mount Sinai". There is no basis
for this in the Sinai covenant. It couldn't be added to that covenant.
(Gal 3:15)
" Afterward all the
children of Israel came near, and he gave them as commandments all that
the LORD had spoken with him on Mount Sinai"
(Ex 34:32).
"These are the
statutes and judgments and laws which the LORD made between Himself and
the children of Israel on Mount Sinai by the hand of Moses."
(Lev 26:46)
"These are the
commandments which the LORD commanded Moses for the children of Israel
on Mount Sinai" (Lev 27:34).
So upon descending the mountain after the second forty-day
stay, the trip immediately after the episode of the golden calf, Moses
passed along an additional set of regulations to Israel. Besides
direction on sacrifices and offerings they must have included at least
the statutes, judgments and commandments listed toward the end of
Leviticus. Most of this is new instruction, even though one sincerely
desiring to follow the spirit of the Sinai covenant might have assumed
it. Technically, it can't be added to the Sinai covenant.
There was also the historical record of Genesis and part of
Exodus that had to be written. Some have speculated that Genesis was made
up of various documents that the Children of Israel carried with them out
of Egypt. God claims to have given it to Moses. One can't be sure exactly
how this was done, although the Jews claim it was dictated word for word.
Forty days would fly by when undertaking an effort like that. Likely
Israel stayed around Sinai an extended time so the tabernacle could be
built, but another part of the reason may have been to write Genesis,
Exodus, Leviticus, the early chapters in Numbers and probably even the
bulk of Deuteronomy.
"Remember the Law of Moses, My servant, Which I commanded him
in Horeb for all Israel, With the statutes and judgments.
" (Mal 4:4)
The great bulk of the Law of Moses was given in the area
around Sinai while Israel was camped there. This doesn't mean it was
given with the Sinai covenant. God gave instruction to Moses in the tent
outside the camp (Ex 33:7-11), on his second 40-day stay on Mount Sinai,
from the main tabernacle once it was built (Num 7:89) and possibly other
unspecified places (Num 3:14, 9:1).
The organizing of the tribes around the Tabernacle also
points to a shift in God's relationship with the nation (Num 1:52-53).
The tribe of Levi was to camp all around the Tabernacle. The other tribes
were allocated space beyond Levi. When the Sinai covenant was given God wanted
everyone to represent Him.
"And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy
nation. These are the words which you shall speak to the children of
Israel" (Ex 19:6)
By placing Levi between the Tabernacle and the rest of the
tribes God was implementing a separation. Levi was to represent Him to
Israel. Israel couldn't be trusted to represent Him to anyone.
The blessings and curses of Leviticus 26 are another new
aspect of the Creators renewing relationship with Israel. The
relationship was not renewed immediately, but the blessings and curses
were a significant factor underlying the new relationship the Creator was
proposing to Israel. The default penalty for breaking a blood covenant is
typically death. That was the understanding with the Sinai covenant. That
is why the Creators initial reaction to the golden calf was to destroy
the people and start over with Moses.
Leviticus 26 makes it clear that God will have other options
in this renewed relationship. Because covenants are not to be changed
(Gal 3:15) the option of curses could not be added to the Sinai Covenant.
However, this option was explained "on Mount Sinai" after the
golden calf (Lev 26:46). It came into force when the Moab covenant was
confirmed (Deu 26:16-32:47). On that day the Creator renewed His
relationship with Israel (Deu 27:9).
So this new Law was given while Israel was still at
Sinai. This has caused a great deal of confusion among
Christians. They assume the Ten Commandments are intended
whenever a 'Sinai law' is under discussion. Why was this
law not implemented until about 39 years later in Moab with
"These are the statutes and judgments which you shall
be careful to observe in the land which the LORD God of your fathers is
giving you to possess, all the days that you live on the earth"
(Deu 12:1)
"You shall not at all do as we are doing here
today––every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes–– 9 for as yet
you have not come to the rest and the inheritance which the LORD your God
is giving you. 10 But when you cross over the Jordan and dwell in the
land which the LORD your God is giving you to inherit, and He gives you
rest from all your enemies round about, so that you dwell in safety, 11
then there will be the place where the LORD your God chooses to make His
name abide. There you shall bring all that I command you: your burnt
offerings, your sacrifices, your tithes, the heave offerings of your
hand, and all your choice offerings which you vow to the LORD"
(Deu 12:8-11)
The law of Moses was written especially to ancient Israel
looking forward to their occupying the Promised Land. The Law of God can
be kept anywhere. The Law of Moses specifies a specific geographical
location where offerings, sacrifices and tithes are to be brought and
where the pilgrimage festivals are to be kept.
The original intent was that Israel would occupy the
Promised Land almost immediately. Unfortunately the spies report
discouraged them and they again offended their creator (Deu 1:19-36).
As a result they did not start into the Promised Land again until
just before Moses died. That is when the Law and Deuteronomy were given
to the Levites and confirmed as a covenant (Deu 31:24-26, 29:1,9,14-15).
It was written specifically for their stay in the Promised Land and it
was confirmed in preparation for entering the Promised Land. Since
Israel did not immediately go into the Promised Land, this second
covenant was not immediately confirmed.
We should note what Paul had to say about Moses as he came
down from his second 40-day stay on Mount Sinai.
"and if the ministration of the death, in letters, engraved in stones, came in glory, so that
the sons of Israel were not able to look stedfastly to the face of Moses,
because of the glory of his face—which was being made useless,"
(II Cor 3:7 YLT)
The 'ministration of death' is actually referring to the office of Moses.
It 'came in glory' at this time. Often this is just translated 'was
glorious', but the original Greek literally means 'was engendered'. The
sense is that Moses office or 'seat' was established when his face was
made to shine. That was the time of Exodus 34:28-34, at the completion of
the forty-day stay after the golden calf.
The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat
(Mt 23:2)
Moses was not given the office of judge, interpreter or
teacher of the Law over Israel as part of the Sinai covenant. He
was in that capacity by default, but it was not built into the Sinai
covenant. That happened after the golden calf. In fact, it was
evident Moses had received a special anointing as soon as he descended
the mountain after this second 40-day stay on the mountain.
The priests and Levites ultimately assumed this office of
Moses after the confirming of this covenant in Moab. After failing to
properly perform the function, it was passed on to others including the
Pharisees. The scribes were probably made up largely of descendants of
Levi and Aaron.
So after the golden calf there was a change in focus in the
law that was given. It revolved around sacrifices, the family of Aaron,
the tribe of Levi and the tabernacle. Moses received a special anointing
which would have been apparent to all the people. It became his job to
teach the way of God. God separated Himself from most of the
tribes. This was not His intention. He wanted everyone to obey the law
given with the covenant of Sinai. That's what He wants with the New Covenant too.